
Apple confirms the scale of App Store fraud
Apple confirms the scale of App Store fraud
Apple confirms the scale of App Store fraud
Apple confirms the scale of App Store fraud

Apple confirms the scale of App Store fraud

In the wake of Apple releasing the data of how many fraudulent attempts were made through the app store forces app developers to not only pay attention to the code in their applications, but it also forces users to take a second to verify the applications they are installing are genuine applications. On one hand

When your Smart ID Card Reader Comes with Malware

Stories such as, “When your smart ID Card Reader Comes with Malware,” are indicators that today’s IT landscape is a delicate minefield one must carefully venture through. When utilizing Internet of Thing devices becomes a question of authenticity of the company supplying the device, we must practice caution when “making it work.” Once upon a

Being The Best-selling Smartphone In This Year

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Two Fashion Designers Busy With 2020 Winter Fashion

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Two Fashion Designers Busy With 2020 Winter Fashion
Two Fashion Designers Busy With 2020 Winter Fashion

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